Thursday 17 November 2016


A line and a circumference can have differents positions:

It doesn't intersect the circumference at any point
because it is outside the circumference.
The disrance  between the circumference and the line is bigger than the radius.
They have a point in common. It is the tangency point. 
The distance between the line and the circumference is equal to the radius
It intersects the circle at 2 points, so they have two points in common. 

The distance between the circumference and the line is smaller than the radius.

Two circumferences can also have different positions:


They do not overlap and the distance between their centers is greater than the sum of their radius.
d= d is the distance between centres

r1+r2 > d  


They have just one common point, the tangency point. 
The distance between the centers is the addition of the two radius
r1+r2 = d

They intersect at two different points and the distance between their centers is less than the sum of their radius.

r2+r1< d

They have a common point and all other points of one of them are interior to the other, exclusively.


They have no common points and the distance between their centers is greater than 0 and less than the difference of their radius.


They have the same center and a different radius
The distance between the centers is 0


You can practise and find more information in this link:

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