General Marking Criteria


Percentages marks are always based on evidence of student learning. Each Art teacher will gather evidence dividing it in three basic areas: Attitude, Work and the Exam or Test. These three areas will give as evidence of student learning over time. In order to gather evidence of student learning, every Art teacher takes these four categories into account, and designs activities and projects adapted to their skills.

  • KNOWLEDGE: subject-specific content learned and how well it is understood.
  • INQUIRY/THINKING: how well students use critical and creative thinking skills (problem solving)
  • COMMUNICATION: how well information is communicated (use of English)
  • APPLICATION: how well students apply their knowledge and skills to various contexts

               1st ESO                                                          2nd ESO                              
            - Attitude: 20%                                                 - Attitude: 20%                                
            - Work:     50%                                                - Work:    50%                                  
            - Exam:     30%                                                - Exam:   30%                              


Attitude includes not just the behaviour in class but also the participation and the good disposition and interest for the subject and the projects, bringing the material every class and offering help to their classmates or even the teacher when needed. Every student will have the chance to add or subtract 2 points to their final marking if by the end of each term they have positive or negative marks in this area.


Work is not just the work at home but among all the work in class. There will be a deadline or limited date to present each activity or project.
Late Work

Any work of art, or other piece of coursework, which is submitted after the relevant deadline, without being covered by adequate evidence of medical problems or of another serious emergency or by the prior permission of the tutor concerned, will be penalised as follows:
  • 1.0 point will be deducted for every day of class after the relevant deadline.


There will be a minimum of one exam or test per Term. These tests will have theory and praxis, and could also be written as well as oral tests.

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