Sunday 9 October 2016


Inscribed polygons

Inscribed polygons are polygons nested inside a circle.  To construct the regular polygon you have to divide the circle into equal sectors.

How to draw regular polygons inscribed in a given circle

1. Triangle, Hexagon

Procedure: The radius of a circle can be struck exactly six times around the circle. Connecting the intersections of every other arc you can draw an equilateral triangle; connecting each successive intersection produces a hexagon.

2. Square, Octagon

Procedure: The Square can be inscribed by connecting the ends of the horizontal and vertical diameters of a circle. To construct de octagon we bisect the quadrants of the circle to divide it into eight segments. Connect the endpoints of the four diameters to create an octagon. 

 3. Pentagon, Decagon 


4. Heptagon

We can also use a general method to draw polygons inscribed in a circumference:

Watch the videos and practise with the worksheets. Click HERE

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